June 2, 2020

Teleconference: The Global Cyclicals Landscape 2020

OTR Global’s Cyclicals team hosted a teleconference on June 2 to provide an overview of the equipment supply and demand trends in China, Europe and the Americas. The discussion was led by OTR’s three Cyclicals editors in the respective regions and focused on the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on the equipment markets, as well as the recovery outlook.

Research conclusions and speakers’ prepared remarks were anchored in more than 1,300 interviews with industry participants in 13 countries during 2020 to date, conducted by OTR’s Cyclicals team of 26 researchers based in the Americas, Europe and Asia.

More than 30 participants attending the virtual conference had the opportunity to engage in a Q&A session, following prepared remarks by OTR speakers.

To learn more, please email contactsales@otrglobal.com